Monday, July 7, 2014

Life Is But A Vapor

I could have gone home to Jesus on Sunday.  No warnings or signs.  A typical drive home from church, screaming "Behold Our God", turned into an accident that totaled my car.  Out of nowhere the car in front of me came to a complete stop and it didn't matter that I kept three car links of space between us.  At 55mph I crashed into him.  In .2 seconds I slammed on my breaks knowing that I was gonna hit him; the shiny gold car turned white and I could see nothing; the white airbags receded to my lap and an awful stench of smoke filled my lungs; I threw my car in park and panicked. I thought my car was going to blow up so I whipped off my seat belt and scurried to the door that was fixed to my side.  The fact that the door wouldn't open wasn't an option.  I needed out!! Immediately! I managed to squeeze out and walk across the road with my head feeling the size of a pumpkin.  I was thankful that I was small enough to fit through the tiny opening my door managed to give me.  A sweet woman got out to help me as soon as I got out of my car.  After the initial shock I was able to joke and say, "At least I still have my teeth."  The people that gathered to comfort me laughed and though it took the edge off I stare at my car in the middle of the road completely blown away by the fact that I wasn't stuck in there with no help.  In an instant I could've been standing before Christ giving an account for my life.  

You are not guaranteed tomorrow.  Are you ready to face Jesus and give an account for your life?  If you said yes you may struggle with self righteousness.  If you said no you may be doubting God's willingness to save.  The truth is you can't be ready.  If you could be there would be no reason for a savior.  This has reminded me of that incredible grace and astounding love that I have been so abundantly blessed to receive when Christ adopted me and made me heir to his kingdom.  It was nothing I did nor anything I could do but Christ has shown such love I simply do not have enough adjectives to supply.  

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. Proverbs 27:1

Too often we take our days lightly; our sin lightly. We think, "Oh, I'll give up this addiction tomorrow," or "I'll just enjoy this sin and then repent because God has to forgive."   It is so humbling thinking about this.  I can only stand before God and be welcomed into his kingdom because of his amazing grace.  It is Only By Grace that I am saved and through Christ I have this glorious inheritance.  (See what I did there? haha) 

Putting aside the fact that I can't be ready to give an account for my life; I still desire to live my life in a way that glorifies God.  I desire to use this life he has given me to serve him, honor him, and share him.  Anything else you live for has no eternal value.  My joy stems from the precious gift I was given when Christ died on that cross and knowing I did nothing to deserve it; I stand amazed.  

This experience humbled me.  Life is but a vapor and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  I desire so greatly that my life would be spent glorifying God and reflecting what he did both in my life and on that cross.  I am completely humbled this week by God's ultimate power and his abundant grace.  To God be the glory in all things.

 I am in awe of the work God is doing in me. 2014 has been extremely hard but probably the most beautiful year of all!

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14

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